Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Turkey Day Birthday

Well, my birthday fell right on Thanksgiving Day this year. And yes, thanks to my friend Livia, I did get a new coffee maker. :) Thanks, L!

The first time my birthday fell on Thanksgiving Day was when I turned 4 and I can actually remember it. And it didn't bother me. But when I turned 9 it happened again and I was steaming mad. A little girl wants a birthday cake with 9 candles on top ...not a turkey with a big 9 candle stuck in it.

When I was little, I didn't have birthday parties because all my friends were out of town for the holiday. So growing up, the birthday was just not a big deal and over time it was actually fine with me. It bothered me when I was really young, but it didn't take me long to understand the importance of a low profile. I still celebrate, but it's low key.

So this year, I was hoping my Turkey Day Birthday would be a little under the radar. But it was not. My coworker, Nancy, decided to bake a cake for me. She did it on a Sunday night and took it to work the Monday after the holiday. I was so surprised! Then she opened the lid and I saw this:

I laughed so hard that I was wiping away the tears and almost couldn't breathe. Evidently, after icing the cake on Sunday night, the top layer of the cake split and slid down the sides of the bottom layer. To fix it, she decided to pre-slice the cake. But it didn't work and you can see the result. It was, by far, the most creative cake I've ever had! The best part was that it tasted awesome! Moist, chocolately goodness. And it didn't take long for word of the "eruption cake" to get around the office.

So my birthday was not exactly under the radar as usual. But what a way to make a debut!

1 comment:

Jerry's Dallas said...

A coffee maker. Classic.