Friday, July 17, 2009

The Post for Livia

Ok. The secret is out. The friend I refer to as L in my blog is actually Livia. She is the coolest thing that ever happened to the Texas Panhandle. And she asked me to update my blog so here I am.

I have been swamped with my second Master's. That degree takes up all my free time and I'm ready for it to be over with. I kinda just want my normal life back. It seems that this grad school schedule makes me kinda grumpy.

For example, last month I found my temper flaring and I almost barked at a girl that made me mad. Typically I keep my cool or just blow things off. But that girl crossed paths with me on the wrong day - just before a big assignment was due. And I nearly went into attack mode.

It's weird for me not to like somebody. I mean, there are people I really don't like (I'm looking at you Jessica Alba, Latina Magazine and Nicholas Cage) but it's not as if I know them personally. This girl is someone I know personally and I was ready to poke her eyes out with a fork. That's a very odd and unusual feeling for me.

But it's ok. I'm in the early part of class #11 and I have to complete 12 classes. I really am close to being done. And I have a notepad full of things I want to blog about when I have my life back. But in the meantime, I hope this post for Livia will make her happy enough to share that Taco Villa burrito with me.