Friday, January 06, 2006

Happy New Year Ya'll!

Happy 2006! Wow, I can't believe it's 2006. The other day I was watching Good Morning America and they were talking about an actor who has not made a movie since 1997. And they were talking like that was FOREVER ago. Then I stopped and thought, holy crap that was 9 years ago! That is a long time for an actor not to make a movie. I was so thrown by how fast the last 9 years have gone by that I tuned out - I never got the name of the "disappearing" actor.

So then I started doing the math. I realized that my ten year high school reunion was TWO years ago! Man, I'm old! My ten year COLLEGE reunion is in TWO years. Damn, I'm really old! I'm not gonna lie, I got a little depressed. But then I remembered my grandma is 83. Guess I'm not so old after all.

Ok, so... resolution time. I actually have resolutions this year! I will need lots of luck and many blessings to get them done. And there's not even that many. Here they are in no particular order:
  • Finish my novel
  • Attend a taping of The Price is Right
  • Go to bed earlier
  • Cook for myself more often

I hope I can do it. I'll keep you posted. (ouch, no pun intended there.) If you guys have any resolutions let me know. I'd love to hear them.

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