Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Did you hear about...

...the burning mouse that started a house fire in New Mexico? This mouse must be a descendant of Stuart Little. No shit, man! Get this... a dude in NM was burning leaves and found a live mouse. In order to "dispose" of it, he threw it into the pile of burning leaves. That mouse was clearly seeking revenge when it miraculously ran out of the fire -even though it was covered in flames itself- and went straight under the house near a window. Shortly, the whole house was on fire and the homeowner lost everything! Can you imagine what it was like to see a mouse engulfed in flames running across the yard and directly underneath a house? Good gravy.

There are so many lessons to learn from all this - so many metaphors - so much symbolism. But none of that matters when you stop think about what will happen when PETA gets a hold of that dude.

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