Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Seattle!! (Oh, and Canada)

Two of my college buddies, D and A, live in Seattle. Another one, L, lives in Amarillo. I decided it was time for a mini-reunion in Seattle and, luckily, sweet L was eager to visit Seattle. M also wanted to go. So… I flew to Seattle with L and M on June 26.

We got there, rented a little car and drove straight to D’s house. I saw him last year in Texas but it was great to be on his turf…where he has been living for almost 9 years. That first night he took us to eat French fries with foie gras. Positively decadent!

Our friend, A, was nice enough to let us crash at her house on Alki Beach. She has lived in Seattle for about 10 years. Seeing her again was like a breath a fresh air. That leggy blonde is fun and is guaranteed to make you smile just by looking at her.

On June 27 we decided to drive into Canada and spend the night in Vancouver. I’m not sure what to say about Vancouver. I will only say this: If you are interested in the smell of piss baking in the sun, strung out bums smoking dope in a public park and paying $15 for a six pack, then Vancouver is your city! Also, if you like seeing police officers, beautiful landscapes and general cleanliness then go to Stanley Park or the Capilano Bridge – those are Vancouver’s best assets. One more thing – it took 2 hours to get across the border back into the U.S. because there are only a few lanes to pass through. Nightmare!

We drove back to Seattle and made a pit stop in Whidbey Island. We took the ferry over to the island and enjoyed a beautiful, relaxing day there. The quant little shops, the corner bar and the gorgeous ocean views were amazing. The only thing that looked better was L’s haircut! Her friend lives there and hooked L up with a great do!

Once we got back into Seattle, we had a few days to do all kinds of things. The Space Needle, Pike Place Market, the Freemont troll, the Olympic Sculpture Park, the piers, Archie McPhee’s Toy Store, Uwajimaya in the International District and a fun Mariners game at Safeco Field. We happened to be in Seattle during Gay Pride Week and we watched the Pride Parade. I’m still not sure how some of their floats were legal on the street.

We had a lot of fun but two things really stood out to me. One was the amazing food. D is a chef and knows where to go and what to order. We would have a fantastic dinner and believe that nothing could top it. Then D would take us to another restaurant and completely wow us again. It was worth the few extra pounds.

The second favorite was the night we hung out at A’s house. She got out her guitar and casually strummed. Then she started to sing in that same familiar voice that used to come through my dorm room walls. It was like hearing a lovely song that you hadn’t heard in years.

My unbelievable time in Seattle was just what I needed. It allowed us to have some hang out time with each other – which we have not done since college. My only regret is that we only had 5 days together. And we blew one in Canada. Oh well. Live and learn.

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