Monday, January 22, 2007

Questions About TV

I have a lot of questions about TV these days. I don't channel surf, I ONLY watch what's recorded on my TiVo. I hate the rush of new shows that come out each season. I usually wait for trustworthy friends (Susie and M) to give me a heads up on a show and I'll TiVo it. But lately I've come to dislike TV even more...

Who cares what Donald and Rosie think?
Donald and Rosie need to shut it already. I mean, why is so much emphasis placed on a real estate monster's opinion about the entertainment industry? And why is Rosie's opinion suddenly of extreme importance? That's like paying close attention to Jessica Simpson's opinion about the new Mensa exam...or placing bets based upon Ryan Seacrest's Oscar picks. It just doesn't make any sense.

Why does Isaiah Washington not know how to speak in public?
That guy is a walking time bomb. While he does a great job at acting, he's just as bad in public interviews as Anna Nicole Smith!

What the hell is wrong with Paula Abdul?
I saw an "American Idol Rewind" special on Fox the other night and it was a replay of an episode during season 1. Way back then, I would watch and I remember thinking that Paula seemed a little "off." But compared to her recent antics, she was downright professional and poised in season 1...which isn't saying much. How is she keeping that job?
Speaking of American Idol...
I find it so funny that America, the land obsessed with physical appearance yet the fattest country, is mad that the judges on American Idol are "too harsh." Ugh... I think they just have the guts to tell it like it is. I know you secretly agreed with Simon when you saw that guy in Seattle and thought he looked like a lemur. Now, should the judges vocalize those comments? Maybe not. But at least they're honest when they say what America is thinking.
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Who ever said show business was fair and kind?
We have all watched enough E! True Hollywood Stories to know that show business is ugly. It's mean, it's fierce and it will spit you out once it's done with you. (Britney Spears, Screech, Macauley Culkin, Pee Wee Herman)

How did I end up in a TV society where people complain when a judge is brutally honest and the CBS Monday night line up got renewed? Ugh!


Liv said...

Damn girl! What do you really think? Ha Ha!

Anonymous said...

Although I usually don't agree with Rosie's thoughts, I find it refreshing that she's speaking her mind. The show is called the View, and for the first time in 10 years, it's making headlines. Up until this point it's just been political b.s.. One thing you have to give her credit for is that she's real. What you see/hear is what you get.

Isaih Washington...the truth always comes out. If you had just owned up from the get go, you wouldn't be in this mess.

American Idol...Paula adds NOTHING to this show. NOTHING. I really wish that she was replaced. My mom would be a better judge than her.