Monday, September 25, 2006

Timing Is Everything

Ok, so most of you know that I have some pretty crappy timing. It's safe to say that if my life would run 3 minutes late or 3 minutes early, I might be ruling my own country or working alongside Oprah by now. Believe me, I could tell you some stories about my terrible timing - some real doozies.

But on Saturday night I had good timing. Great timing. Allow me to explain... My day started at 6:00 a.m. and I didn't get home til around 10:00 p.m. and I was exhausted! I didn't want to go out so instead I decided to check on my TiVo and see what he'd been up to on Saturday. After about an hour, I was all caught up with TiVo and I switced over to live TV. My TV happened to be on HBO and I tuned in at the last 31 minutes of a movie called Roll Bounce. You know, it's that roller skating movie that's set in the 70s starring Nick Cannon and Bow Wow. Don't act like you don't know - we both know you have heard of that flick.

Anyway, my first instinct was to change the channel. But then I realized I was tuning in right at the grand finale. The big climax. The finals of the roller skating championship! It was awesome! There were several teams competing in the finals and I got to see all of their routines set to disco tunes. I know you think I'm crazy, but if you get the chance, watch the last 31 minutes of that movie. It's flippin' awesome...complete with groovy disco beats, old school roller skates and a bonafide SKATE OFF!

Whew, hope I didn't give too much away!

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