Thursday, August 06, 2009

The Return of Rocky the Raccoon!

Well, I only thought Rocky had left me for good. He's back in full force and had a full-on bachelor party in my attic last night. It honestly scared the crap out of me at first.

I called an exterminator and he told me that they do some sort of bomb that "stinks them out." I don't know exactly what that means as raccoons are not the scrub-a-dub type. But after a lengthy conversation with Matt, exterminator extraordinaire, I hired him.

It turns out he won't hurt or harm Rocky in any way. He just gets Rocky out and sends him on his way... to find the next party place. Then Matt actually patches up the point of entry and Rocky is officially locked out. I explained that I had tried to lock Rocky out before and, evidently, he found his way back in. Matt guarantees that his lockout is fool-proof and Rocky-proof. I'll let you know how that goes.

In the meantime, I need to invest in some good ear plugs because Rocky is like an inconsiderate, nocturnal guest that overstays his welcome and eats you out of house and home. Literally.

1 comment:

Livia said... mention of the babies? Are they gone yet?