Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tales from the Dungeon

First of all, Happy Belated 4th of July. I didn't do anything wild and crazy for the holiday. I just provided my own body as a smorgasbord for all the mosquitos that are a result of the Biblical Rains.

Anyway... my office is getting remodeled so our entire department has been moved to a high school across the street from our building. Normally, this would be no big deal. Except the high school has limited, if any, air conditioning. And it's going through renovations so I have to smell that smell that happens when old carpet comes up and new carpet goes down. Icky!

We get no cell phone reception and only one bathroom has running water. Also, since we are used to packing a lunch, we were ticked to find out we have no refrigerator, no microwave and no kitchen-type area in which to eat our lunch. The computer lab we are sitting in at the high school is called The Dungeon because it has brown cinderblock walls and no windows. And somehow it has become infested with flies and gnats.

Hot, muggy, stinky, no cell phone, only 1 bathroom, insects and packing lunches that need no refrigeration or heating. So it's kinda like camping... but indoors with Internet.

My "indoor camping" did include a hike through the halls of the school. Unfortunately, I didn't find anything interesting... just a McGruff The Crime Dog puppet and 17 yearbooks from 1989. I hope my new office gets done quickly.

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